$file); } } closedir($dir); return $thumbs; } elseif ($folder == $search_folder) { // Search folder is the same as coppermine images folder; just return the array return $thumbs; } else { // Search folder is the different; check for files in the given folder $results = array(); foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) { if (is_file($search_folder.$thumb['filename'])) { $results[] = array('filename' => $thumb['filename']); } } return $results; } } // ----------------------------- TEST FUNCTIONS ---------------------------- // function test_sql_connection() { global $errors, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $CONFIG; if (! $connect_id = @mysql_connect($CONFIG['dbserver'], $CONFIG['dbuser'], $CONFIG['dbpass'])) { $errors .= "

Could not create a mySQL connection, please check the SQL values in include/config.inc.php

MySQL error was : " . mysql_error() . "

"; } elseif (! mysql_select_db($CONFIG['dbname'], $connect_id)) { $errors .= "

mySQL could not locate a database called '{$CONFIG['dbname']}' please check the value entered for this in include/config.inc.php

"; } } // ------------------------- HTML OUTPUT FUNCTIONS ------------------------- // function html_header() { ?> Coppermine - Upgrade

Welcome to Coppermine installation

• • • ERROR • • •
Before you continue with the Coppermine upgrade, there are some problems that need to be fixed.

Once you are done, hit the "Try again" button.

Welcome to the Coppermine upgrade program

• • • ERROR • • •
The following errors were encountered and need to be corrected first:

Upgrade completed

Coppermine is now upgraded and ready to roll.

Let's continue !